
Entry (1/2)1  diky
Part of speech  2  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  3  [1.1] Fivalanana, tay: Dikin-tsoavaly
Explanations in English  4  [1.2] dung. Used of human dung only. See tay
5  [1.7] filth, excrement
Explanations in French  6  [1.3] excrément, ordure, saleté
7  [1.8] excrément (humain)
Vocabulary  8  Biology
Synonyms  9  tay

Entry (2/2)10  diky
Part of speech  11  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  12  [1.1] hasosorana
Explanations in French  13  [1.3] dégoût, déplaisir, ennui
Vocabulary  14  Emotions
15  Names :
16  Adjectives :
Synonyms  17  dikidiky

Anagrams  18  diky, kidy

Updated on 2025/02/02